Quaker Simple Harvest Multigrain Hot Cereal
This has been out for a few months, and while I wanted to try it, the price tag scared me away. But one day, I was at Smith's and it was on sale for $1.99 (it's usually over $4.00), and I had a $1.00 off coupon, and lo and behold, the goods were mine. My favorite is the Vanilla, Almond and Honey. When you open the microwave the smell hits you, it's just intoxicating. I could sit and smell it all day. Eating it is even better.
Flat Earth Baked Veggie Crisps
I discovered these about a year ago, and have tried almost every flavor. Thus far, my favorites are Tangy Tomato Ranch and Wild Berry Patch (the sweet flavors are dusted with sugar instead of salt). They're a great alternative to regular chips, and if you ask me, they taste a lot better. Bonus? Every ounce has a half-serving of fruits or vegetables. If you haven't tried these yet, you should. Go to their website, and you can get a bag for free.
Orville Redenbacher Natural Simply Salted Popcorn
I'm an anomaly when it comes to popcorn. I don't like butter on it. And I HATE movie theater butter. It. Is. Gross. I've been looking for a plain or salt-only microwavable popcorn for a long time. Newman's Own makes one, but none of the stores by me carry it on a regular basis, and it's kind of expensive for microwave popcorn. But now Orville has come to my rescue with their Natural line and its Simply Salted Popcorn. The lack of unpronouncable chemicals is good and all, but I was excited that someone had heard my silent pleas for a butterless popcorn. I can hear you all saying "Popcorn without butter, but with salt? Sounds dry." Nope. Not dry. Palm oil solves that problem- without a heavy flavor. Even my movie-theater-butter-addicted husband loved this. Seriously. Good. Stuff.