Rotisserie Chicken. I bow to he or she who at some grocery chain board meeting said, "You know what would be a good idea? We should offer hot, juicy, delicious rotisserie chickens in our stores." Yes, yes, you should, brilliant grocery store board member. And the masses will thank you.
Rotisserie chickens are a staple of our diet. We buy a gihugic one at Costco every week (for only $4.99!), and it feeds us for about three meals. On the first night, we usually have it with potatoes or rice and vegetables. Night two, every week, is fajitas. Day three lunch is leftover fajitas. But the possibilities do not stop there, my friends. Rotisserie chicken is like the, well, it's like chicken- really, really versatile... BUT YOU DON'T HAVE TO COOK IT. So it's better than chicken, even though it's chicken. You follow me?
Other fabulous things to do with rotisserie chicken: chicken enchiladas, chicken salad, chicken on salad, stir-fry, chicken noodle soup, chicken and whatever else soup, goop (a delicious cheese-and-chicken concotion we eat over rice), chicken stroganoff, chicken in pasta... the list goes on.
This is why I love rotisserie chickens. This is why I cannot live without rotisserie chickens. The word chicken is starting to sound very strange to me now. Chicken. CHICKen. chick-en. If I was Oprah, I would sing it very loudly, "CHIIIICK-EEEEEEEN!" And then I would give everyone in my audience a plate of delicious rotisserie chicken goodness and a certificate to the finest rotisserie chicken makers in the world, to have hot, juicy, delicious rotisserie chicken perfection sent to their home every week. You're wishing I was Oprah right now, aren't you? (Sigh) Yeah, me too.
Costco rules... $4.99 for a cooked huge chicken... while Kholers has an uncooked and uncleaned chicken for $5.99... doesn't make sense to buy an unprepared one.
good blog lady!
That does sound like a great invention. Why haven't I tried it?!? It's on the to-do list!!
Yes! We love that we can get rotisserie chicken in two different versions (barbeque and lemon/herb) at our local small-town grocery store. The selection of other things is limited, but the chicken compensates for many inadequacies.
Okay, would you believe we have NEVER bought a rotisserie chicken since we've been married?! I know......travesty! Now, I am TOTALLY going to try it!
I DO wish I was Oprah, how did you know?
I had no idea they were so versatile. The ones at Smiths are so greasy looking. I will have to try costco. That does sound good - chicken, without the cooking.
And I totally have done that before - repeated a word so many times that it no longer sounded like a real word. And then you're like, IS that a word ? Did I make it up?
Wow, I can't believe so many of you haven't tried rotisserie chickens! You are missing out. Sue, the skin can be pretty greasy, but we just pull it off. The meat itself is really juicy and tender. and delicious.
Ah yes. The 'singleton' life is a ginormous fan of these delectable little treats. I don't know where I would be without them. Well, I do actually. I would still be here. Just with less chicken...
next blog please;)
We love the rotisserie chickens at our house too. Costco's are the best! We usually just eat them with potatoes or rice and then use the rest for sandwiches, but I love all your other ideas. I am going to have to try to be more creative.
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