Can I just say that I LOVE Thanksgiving? I start dreaming about it in the summer. Then all the pie-making and turkey roasting accoutrements are put on display at the grocery store, then Thanksgiving-themed Food Network shows come on, and by the time November rolls around it takes all of my willpower to keep myself from "testing" recipes for stuffing and pie and sides and desserts- and by "testing" I mean "making and consuming all by myself". I cannot wait. There is only one week to go. I hadn't really thought about it, but I think Thanksgiving could be tied for my favorite holiday. What's not to love about a day full of cooking and eating and eating again because hello, it's Thanksgiving?
This Thanksgiving is especially exciting because, well, the last have been kind of disappointing. Three years ago we went back to see le hubby's family and we ate at a restaurant. WITH NO PUMPKIN PIE. Two years ago most of my family went up to my mom's for turkey, but we weren't able to go, so we went to my sister-in-law's family's thing. The food was good and they were very nice. So why would I complain about that? Well, because I was pregnant and all I wanted in the world on Thanksgiving were my mom's insanely good rolls. Hey, don't judge me. I am not ungrateful or ungracious. I did not complain ever... to them. Well, at least, not until now. But the fetus demands what it demands, and it was demanding mom's rolls. They were pregnancy cravings, people. Big, aching, mouth-watering pregnancy cravings. I HAD NO CONTROL. So, yes, the lovely gracious people who invited us to their lovely absolutely-nothing-wrong-with-it-except-not-having-mom's-rolls Thanksgiving dinner disappointed me. Sorry. I am evil. No, wait, I was PREGNANT, in case you forgot. Try it sometime. But, I digress. Last year Thanksgiving was being held across town. After I spent the day preparing my portion of the meal, my eight-month-old came down with a very high fever. Now, I love her, but again, the rolls. The year before I was having very vivid dreams about baked goods thanks to said child's incubation, and now she would be keeping me from them. For the love.
So, I am excited about this year. I'm not sure whose home I am going to, but my mom's rolls will be there. As will pie. And stuffing. Halle-frickin-lujah.
My mom made those rolls for us a few weeks ago. They are DIVINE!! I'm glad you'll get to have them this year.
mmmmmmmmmmmm Mom's rolls. heaven. she tells me they are super easy to make, and even left me the recipe last year, but really nobody can do them like Mom.
And I understand being pregnant & not having them! I'm sure the family was sparkling & the food was out of this world & that sister in law must be somethin else! But with no rolls, it is a cryin shame. I wish we could be with you all for tukey day, it is also tied for my favorite holiday. You're one of my favorites, too. I love you!
oooooh, and they just opened ANOTHEr H&M here. I'm waiting til I can go with you. sweet!!
I know how you feel about Thanksgiving. I would just as soon cook it all myself because I only like stuffing the way I make it. I also have to have cherry pie - but only like my mom used to make. We went out one year to dinner. NEVER AGAIN! Can you hear me say "Don't mess with my Thanksgiving!"
P.S. This year, I'm making homemade rolls - your Mom's recipe.
I'm glad you were able to have the Thanksgiving you hoped for this year...including rolls! Your turkey and stuffing were divine!
My first Thanksgiving with my husband's family was a real downer. They didn't have mashed potatoes! That's my favorite part! I was gutted.
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